


    Individualised cognitive assessment
    & your career
    People perform best in a job that matches their interests and personal style, and also that they know they can do well in. Employment that doesn’t match your personal style and specific abilities can be frustrating and stressful, leading to dissatisfaction and poor performance. We provide a unique service to career-planners, offering comprehensive and individualised assessment to help you foster the best career ambitions and make the right choices.

    Elite recruitment for candidates: the process
    tick We undertake a thorough assessment of your personality and individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
    tick We will determine your individual performance profile, and implications for career choices and progression.
    tick We will review our results with you, working closely to formulate clear and credible plans for your short and long term goals.
    tick We can work with you during your early career, career development / transition, career-end and retirement to reflect on profess and consider realistic goals.

    Elite recruitment for candidates: planning & consultation
    We can also help with leaving work during restructuring, and return to work after illness. Making the investment at the planning stage of your career will ensure that your longer term career and life choices will lead to success and satisfaction.

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